The Jurupa Road Grade Separation Project

This project will construct a new, four-lane underpass on Jurupa Road under Van Buren Boulevard and the Union Pacific Railroad bridge. The underpass will improve safety and traffic circulation by separating train traffic from vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists. It will also improve the quality of life for Jurupa Valley residents by eliminating waiting for trains, train whistles and pollution from idling vehicles.

Jurupa Road Grade Separation project road

Current Update

REMINDER: Single Lane Closures are planned on Felspar Street at Jurupa Road; business access remains open. 


One lane on Felspar Street will be closed with traffic shifted to the opposite side of the street. One lane of traffic will remain open in both directions. 

Monday, Feb. 10, at 6 a.m., through Friday, Feb. 14, at 4 p.m. 

Please drive with caution and reduce speed through the construction zone. 


Recordatorio: Se planean cierres de carriles únicos en Felspar Street y Jurupa Road; el aceso a negocios permanecera abierto.  


Se cerrará un carril en Felspar Street y el tráfico se trasladará al lado opuesto de la calle. Se mantendrá abierto un carril de circulación en ambos sentidos. 

Del lunes 10 de febrero a las 6 a.m. al viernes 14 de febrero a las 4 p.m.  

Conduzca con precaución y reduzca la velocidad en la zona de construcción. 

Updated project timeline

Jurupa timeline_1.25.1a


Fall 2024 through Spring 2025


Crews added a center median and are completing roadway paving at the intersection of Jurupa and Pedley roads. The intersection improvements also include installing traffic signal foundations, adding railroad safety arms at the roadway crossing and raising manholes throughout the intersection. Intersection improvements will be completed in Spring 2025.

Intersection improvements completed at Rutile Street and Van Buren Boulevard

Crews installing traffic signal foundations at the corner of Jurupa and Pedley roads in January 2025.


The Van Buren Boulevard western bridge span opened to traffic on September 10, 2024.  

Bly Channel Pic

Crews completed the concrete deck placement at the Bly Channel Extension in November 2024.


  • Jurupa Road remains closed at Van Buren Boulevard. 
  • Van Buren Boulevard is open in both directions. 
  • Jurupa Connector Road is open. 
  • Business access remains open on Jurupa Road and Felspar Street.

Jurupa Road closure detour

Jurupa biz open sign

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