The Jurupa Road Grade Separation Project
This project will construct a new, four-lane underpass on Jurupa Road under Van Buren Boulevard and the Union Pacific Railroad bridge. The underpass will improve safety and traffic circulation by separating train traffic from vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists. It will also improve the quality of life for Jurupa Valley residents by eliminating waiting for trains, train whistles and pollution from idling vehicles.
Current Update
PROJECT MILESTONE: Van Buren Blvd. western bridge span is now OPEN to traffic in both directions.
The new traffic pattern with traffic in both directions sharing the newly opened bridge will remain in effect for approximately two years while the eastern bridge span and the UPRR bridge are being constructed. Once completed, northbound traffic will shift to the eastern bridge span and southbound traffic will use the western bridge span.
Please drive with caution and reduce speed while driving on the bridge.
HITO DEL PROYECTO: El tramo occidental del puente Van Buren Blvd. está ABIERTO al tráfico en ambas direcciones.
El nuevo patrón de tráfico con tráfico en ambas direcciones compartiendo el puente recién inaugurado permanecerá en vigor durante aproximadamente dos años mientras se construyen el tramo este del puente y el puente UPRR. Una vez completado, el tráfico en dirección norte pasará al tramo del puente este y el tráfico en dirección sur utilizará el tramo del puente occidental.
Conduzca con precaución y reduzca la velocidad mientras maneje sobre el puente.
Updated project timeline
November 2023 through May 2024
Construction & Maintenance (C&M) agreement executed on Jan. 9, 2024
In Progress
Jurupa and Pedley roads intersection improvements will be complete in Summer 2024.
Pre-construction activities for railroad track and bridge construction are underway.
Path to Completion
- Railroad Track
- Construct temporary railroad track
- Construct permanent track
- Construct Northbound Van Buren Blvd. Bridge
- Construct UPRR Bridge
- Construct Jurupa Road Undercrossing
- Project Completion: Winter 2026
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